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Hi, my name is Davide, I am a self-taught backend developer and a CS student. Check out my GitHub profile for more information!


🧁 LinkShare

LinkShare allows you to share text, links, and snippets of code with your friends in real-time. It supports syntax highlighting, group sharing sessions and QR code pairing.


Markinim is a Telegram bot that learns from your messages and generates funny (nonsense) sentences using a Markov chain.

It is written using the Nim programming language and is 100% open source. Its name is a portmanteau of Markov and Nim.

Currently with 198537 users and 14533 groups as of 11 Jan 2024.


mgmsbot is a Telegram bot that allows you to play multiplayer games with your friends using Telegram's inline mode.

Fun Area / Playground

fun.sigmamale.club is a collection of small games and experiments that I made in my free time. It includes projects like:

  • Shader: Create visual effects with custom formulas
  • Cirno (Frost Paradise): A small game inspired by a gif

Visit the playground

🪐 Piltover

Piltover is an experimental Telegram server implementation written from scratch in Python. It's designed to be used as a library for prototyping MTProto clients.

GitHub Repository


A tool for converting any image to HTML tables.

GitHub Repository


Pixel sort your images, in C.

GitHub Repository


A Python3 library for translating text using Google Translate API.

  • Supports both Synchronous and Asynchronous operations
  • Supports emoji
  • Type hinted
  • Free to use

GitHub Repository


Thanks to https://github.com/qlawmarq/next-markdown-blog-YoRHa for this blog template.